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Thursday, February 26, 2009

And I only live a 1/2 mile away...

I left city hall today at 2 p.m. (during the height of the snow storm) to run over to the United Way office to sign some papers. I intended to be away from my desk for 10 minutes. One hour later I was pulling into my garage. I felt like this....

During that time I had to get out of my car to knock on the window of a car which was blocking the intersection on Hwy 61 (I waited through 3 light changes). He was scared and confused as the traffic was backed all the way from the bridge (which was closed due to an accident or something.) Three blocks of traffic had since piled up behind me.

Then I couldn't actually get to the United Way office so I dumped my car near the post office and walked further than I would have had I just left my car in the parking lot at City Hall. I actually ran. By this time my hair was soaked and stuck to my head and my wool jacket was white from the thick, clotted snow.

While dripping and signing in the UW office we then see a car swerve off the road and drive down the sidewalk (the same sidewalk I had just been on) as the road had now become a parking lot (apparently this guy had some where important to be). The message that the bridge was closed was being passed down car by car through the blocks of traffic by people (who were a little more law abiding) standing outside their cars scraping snow off their wind shields.

I then ran a few blocks back to my car and had no choice but to get back on 61 (in the opposite direction of the traffic jam thank god) and turned towards my house. I couldn't make it up the hill (or back to city hall due to the traffic problems) and had to do a U-turn in the middle of the street which put me near the gas station. I then decided I needed chocolate. So soaking wet and covered in snow I ran into the store, made my purchase and ran the 1/2 block back to my car.

While running into the store I remembered many years ago going out for ice-cream in the middle of a blizzard with my sister after my dad was admitted into a hospital due to a blood pressure problem. I still handle stress and weather the same way.

Turning into my alley I attempted numerous times to enter my garage. Just yesterday I paid $867 to have repairs done to my driver side door after I backed out and scraped and dented the door and broke off the mirror. I almost damaged the door again sliding around on the ice and snow. I jumped out - shoveled the snow, put down some salt and safely entered my garage.

I undressed by the back door - ran upstairs - jumped into a hot bath - changed into warm comfies and collapsed with my chocolate. It was 3:00 p.m.

The good news - the three places I needed to be tonight (still hadn't decided which meeting I was going to actually make it to) were all CANCELLED due to the weather. Yeah - I'm in for the night!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

In our daily actions,
let us concentrate on details with great care and attention,
let us make this an ingrained habit for the behavior of our bodies and minds,
like protecting a newborn child.
by Master Taisen Deshimaru

I'm learning this...but it takes a lot of mental effort to keep in mind that every action I do through out the day should be dealt with carefully and thoughtfully. No list of tasks that must be accomplished before I can do fun stuff. It's ALL fun stuff! Yeah, like I said...I'm working on it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I spent President's weekend in Chicago and all I have
to show for it is pictures of my sister's birds "Phoebie and Nora".
One of them got loose and flapped around the living room which
was very exciting considering it was late at night and
there were dogs on the chase.

I think this is Phoebie.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Astute observation and deductive reasoning...

I've been to Hershey, PA and I'm convinced they are not making any chocolate there. The following I know to be true… The smoke stacks are smokeless. The conveyer belts are full of candy, but it’s all wrapped. There are no big vats of smooth milk chocolate turning over and over for curious tourists to ooh and aah over. Candy bar mascots roam the side walks, Hershey Kiss light poles light the streets and an enormous store in the center of town sells every type of Hershey candy imaginable. Upon asking a sales clerk if any chocolate was actually being made in town, I received a hurtful look. I think she believes it is.

All of that aside – what are they up to selling a milk chocolate buttery toffee bar under the names of Scor and the same with the name of Heath? I had a hankering for that smooth milk chocolate and buttery English toffee and have, over the years purchased one or the other. Today I purchased both. But NOT in the same store – aha! In one store I purchased the Scor, not seeing (or even thinking about)the Heath. In the other store I was looking for gum, noticed the Heath and then looked around for the Scor. Apparently they are not sold in the same location. Of course I'll have to do further research to see if this theory holds true.

Now, being in the possession of both I decided it was time for closer inspection. Scor has Hershey proudly displayed across the front of the package. The Heath bar has Hershey obscurely hidden in much smaller print on the back.

A taste tests leaves me scratching my head. They are different, yes – but only slightly. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better. What are you up to Hershey?