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Monday, June 29, 2009

Music City - Nashville, TN

To say I loved Nashville would be an understatement. What a cool place. Rich history and unbelievable music around every corner. Even the musicians on the street (homeless?) were pretty incredible. I loved 2nd street where we discovered Tootsies, The Stage, Wild Horse Saloon etc. to name a few. What really got to me was the first time we walked into a bar in the early afternoon and listened to a kick ass band. We're not talking about a guy strumming quietly by the door - these were full bands....strings, horns, piano - rocking and playing their brains out - in DAYLIGHT!! You can hear the music from the sidewalks because the bands are setup right by the door. You peek in at them and they are looking out on the sidewalk at you. It's a fun atmosphere.

Nashville is my new favorite place in the U.S. Can't wait to get back!

Click to enlarge

Bridge over the Cumberland River - taken from riverboat we were on.
Nashville riverside
inside the Ryman Theater
windows of the Ryman
view of Nashville from the river

Dinner on the General Jackson river boat
(Kay is looking at the camera)
the band kept us dancing

very talented guitar player who connected with the crowd,
and my camera.
This building is called the Batman by the locals
A sculpture on the Cumberland river

a sign outside the Ryman Theater

A guitar player in one of the little downtown bars - He can play AND work the crowd

Monday, June 15, 2009

A day in the park...

I played on this same merry-go-round when I was a little girl.
Madison 8 (in pink), Lauren 6 (in pink hat)

Wally gets to wear the hat awhile
Madison shows us how the fireman slide down the pole.
Face painting is serious business