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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

City of Red Wing Chili Cook Off

The man running the grill finally gets to enjoy a dog.
All the hardwork and organization is done by Patti
Mayor Dummer enjoys lunch with some public works guys.
City Hall ladies enjoy lunch with a couple of fellow employees at public works.
It takes a great team to pull off this event - we need the chili makers and the chili eaters.
Darold, Tom and Stacie serving up their hot, spicy chili.
Janelle, Karen and Tammie - whose chili is the best?
The buns are safe with Chief Sletten
It's just water!

We had a great time serving, eating and making money
for a great cause...our local United Way!
The winner of the best chili will go on to
represent the City of Red Wing at
the community wide chili cook-off.

Friday, September 26, 2008

You Go girls!

GO GIRLS! was designed to encourage teens to voice their opinions to advertisers, letting them know that beauty and success have little to do with the size of their jeans.

The Red Wing chapter of the Go Girls spoke at a service club meeting yesterday and although I've heard them speak before, their message really resonated with me. If only I had their confidence at 17 or 18 years of age....actually, if only I had their confidence now! They were inspiring, intelligent and informed about what advertising and the media do to the self esteem of women and will not entertain conversations with their friends that have to do with a poor body image. While listening to these amazing young women I realized they had a powerful message for me and that there was so much I could learn from them. They are hoping to raise money for awareness and want to travel to Fiji because they have learned in their research that there was no incidences of eating disorders there until American TV, shows like 90210 made their way to their little corner of the world. Interestingly Fiji women tend to be larger women and didn't have a problem with that until they were introduced to our advertising. The Red Wing Go Girls want to speak to groups in Fiji and help empower their young women.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Burn After Reading

Saw the movie this weekend and although it was as expected - a quirky dark comedy by the Cohen brothers - it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Although I laughed every time John Malkovich spit out the f-bomb, which was quite a bit, the plot left a lot to be desired and I noticed during the film that I was mostly just enjoying watching great actors act.

The most frustrating character for me was played by Francis McDormand. Couldn't they have given her more motivation than wanting a man and plastic surgery? Not necessarily in that order. Okay, well maybe there is some truth about that in all women, (it's not just it?) but for a smart movie created by smart men I wish they would have gone a bit deeper with her. It was all a bit too shallow to sustain any real humor. I didn't even feel sorry for her - I just kinda got tired of who she was. **Note to self....don't dwell too much about wanting a man and plastic surgery lest your friends/family won't feel sorry for you.
The CIA agents constantly mispronouncing "big" words was funny and naturally there were a couple of pretty gruesome scenes that were in keeping with the Cohen style. Although I wouldn't sit through it again, it was a pleasure watching Clooney, Pitt and especially Malkovich do what they get paid the big bucks to do.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Time Square - CNN and AC360

I tried to get a picture of my pretend celebrity boyfriend, Anderson Cooper, on Time
Square. I think he's on the other side of the CNN billboard.

Monday, September 08, 2008

My first look at Madison Square Garden - New York

On Wednesday, Sept 10, 2008 I have a ticket to a concert at Madison Square Garden. It's a benefit concert for cancer "Stand Up for the Cure" featuring the Dave Matthews Band. Since this is my first trip to New York, we took the subway over from Brooklyn to Manhattan to see how long it would take and if I can do this myself on Wednesday night. Everyone around here tells us the subway is safe and it seemed okay, although I can't imagine riding it everyday like they do around here.

This is the view from just outside The Garden - it's a few
blocks from Time Square and in the same block as Penn Stations.

I'm standing just by the doors of Penn Station. The artwork
on the sides of buildings is pretty amazing and the sounds, smells
and activity on the streets are pretty unique to New York City.

Lots of history and things to see inside the Garden.

This lady stands near Rockefeller Center by what
is the skating rink in the winter.
This is "music row" just off Time Square

We ate dinner at Maxie's in Time Square and could
watch the people go by on the street. It was
loud and noisy, but very interesting to sit and watch
the world go by.

This is the skating rink site in the winter at
Rockefeller Center

Getting around in NYC

After we figured out how to buy a MetroCard, spent a few minutes
looking at a map, and consulting with a website ( which
someone at the conference told us about, we plunged into the
depths of the city and took our first ride.
This is the yellow cab line at JFK. We were a little lost when we
got outside and suddenly realized we had no idea how to get
to the hotel. A woman at the information counter spent
about a minute showing us this large, confusing bus route map
and we decided the yellow cab line was the better option.

The long line moved very fast and it was interesting people
watching while we waited.

It's about 8:00 p.m. or so and the subway still
has activity.

The first time we jumped on I thought of a Seinfeld
episode where Kramer can't get a seat. I hestitated for
a split second and ended up having to stand. I don't
mind standing, but it's a pretty rocky, wild ride. When you
go under the water it's a bit like a screaming nightmare (but I kinda liked it).

Scenes around Brooklyn

This is view down Adam street in Brooklyn (from my hotel room) and in the
background you can see the Brooklyn Bridge. It's a great view
from my room at night, but impossible to get a good picture.
Street view a block from our hotel in Brooklyn
The front of the hotel on Adam street is very upscale and business
class, the street right behind is a different world...
This is the view of the Brooklyn Bridge from Montique street about
6 blocks from our hotel.
Lower Manhattan - the Twin Towers would have been
in this shot (on the other side).
This is a street vendor working down the block from our hotel.

Time Square

Monday, September 01, 2008

Mn State Fair and Garrison Keillor

The Bonsai gardening display is fascinating at the State Fair
These little plants are very expensive and in some cases very old.
Garrison Keillor is in a white, linen suit with a red tie and red socks and red tennis shoes.
Was a good show and a beautiful night to be in the grand stand.
The fireworks were right over our head and the grandstand
was littered with cardboard from them. I don't know if I've ever been
that close. They were fantastic!