After we figured out how to buy a MetroCard, spent a few minutes
looking at a map, and consulting with a website (hopstop.com) which
someone at the conference told us about, we plunged into the
depths of the city and took our first ride.

This is the yellow cab line at JFK. We were a little lost when we
got outside and suddenly realized we had no idea how to get
to the hotel. A woman at the information counter spent
about a minute showing us this large, confusing bus route map
and we decided the yellow cab line was the better option.
The long line moved very fast and it was interesting people
watching while we waited.
It's about 8:00 p.m. or so and the subway still
has activity.
The first time we jumped on I thought of a Seinfeld
episode where Kramer can't get a seat. I hestitated for
a split second and ended up having to stand. I don't
mind standing, but it's a pretty rocky, wild ride. When you
go under the water it's a bit like a screaming nightmare (but I kinda liked it).