Sunday, December 28, 2008
Violence over Benjamin Buttons
Anyway....the shooter lost my sympathies. The movie where this tragic event took place was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons". This is a slow moving three hour film. Beautiful, artsy, moving story, yes. But yeah, I said 3 hours. 3 hours! By the time this movie ended my popcorn had been gone for 2 hours and 54 minutes. I had applied lipstick, hand lotion, had 4 pieces of gum, took my coat off, put my coat on, checked my cell phone for emergency messages twice (nothing), found a couple of candy cane kisses in the bottom of my purse, ate them slowly, whispered to my sister more times than I can remember and laughed out loud when she said she felt like she was being tortured. I almost wish someone had shot me.
Obviously the shooter was bored and annoyed too and just looking for something to end his own torture. But why take it out on the poor smuck was was suffering right along with him? Shoot at the screen, shoot out the projector. I think the report said the shooter was at the movies alone, on Christmas. Kinda sad. He didn't have anyone to talk to. Can you imagine sitting through a 3 hour movie, alone and with no bag of tricks (a purse) to go through to occupy your time?
Movie makers should take note - keep the movies to 1 hour and 45 minutes, throw in a car chase, a sex scene and a street fight and everyone leaves happy and keeps their guns in the holster.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Laura's Favorite Things

Tiramisu coffee creamer in a good, strong cup of coffee. I think the Tiramisu is a seasonal item.
The novel "Loving Frank" a first for Nancy Horan. I would describe this book as historical fiction. It's about the affair Frank Lloyd Wright had with Mamah Borthwick weaving fact and fiction. As is often the case, the woman behind the famous man is more interesting. There is barely a footnote in American History about Wright's love affair with Borthwick. She had much to offer the world with her writing and ideas about equal rights for women. I felt the same way about Mabel Bell when I read about Alexander Graham Bell after visiting the Bell museum in Nova Scotia.
Great book - the ending was a shocker!
A funny Christmas card from a funny cousin. We have an old joke about our kids needing therapy. So far they all seem pretty normal despite their upbringing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Living alone - part two
I think the reason she asked me is she knows I live alone and every afternoon I head home to let my dog out. I only live a couple of blocks away so it's no big deal, but I usually announce to anyone within ear shot that "I'll be back in a few, I'm going home to see Lilith." Her name is actually just Lily.
Having a grown up daughter and being divorced means I have no choice but to send out cards with just my name on them. Is it tempting to add Lily's name? Nope, although she does wish you a very Merry Christmas. Fuh-ny. If you do receive a card with her name next to mine will you please stop in and check on me. I may have fallen down the stairs and now suffering from a life threatening head injury.
Merry Christmas!
Laura, Lily and Michael (Mr. January on my New York City fireman's calendar)

Lily - pee dammit so I can go back to work!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The 'other' Laura
So, recently I sent them a picture of myself in my new ski outfit and told them I was heading their way soon. After Greg saw my pictures on the computer he picked up Lisa's cell phone at 7:00 a.m. and dialed "Laura" and left a message saying things like 'hey baby....loved the pics of you on the Internet" and other boy like things that he knows I would love to hear. However, Lisa's hairdressers name is also Laura. The 'other' Laura got the 7am phone call and the voice mail meant for me. Needlessto say Greg was a little embarrassed.
I'm still laughing about it.
Oh, and my legs hurt tonight from skiing today. It was beautiful - 20 degrees, sunny, no wind and not crowded!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Blagojevich - huh?

Sunday, December 07, 2008
It is the nature of spirit to sing -
Tonight I had the privilege of attending the 97th Annual St. Olaf Christmas Festival. This concert has been on my personal "Bucket" list for many years! Check! The St. Olaf Orchestra, St. Olaf Choir, St. Olaf Cantorei, St. Olaf Chapel Choir, The Manitou Singers and the Viking Chorus - all made up of young college students filled the auditorium and performed as individual groups and as a massed ensemble.It was magnificent!The risers were draped in gold fabric and each ensemble was dressed in a different colored robe. Once they were all on the stage together it was a breathtaking site. You could hear a pin drop between songs as the concert was setup like a worship service with no applause until the end. Often we would stand and sing together with the choirs and the orchestra perfectly translated musically when words failed us. If you love music and exquisite harmonies you couldn't walk away from this experience with a dry eye.

Don't pass those 'ringers' by...

Saturday, December 06, 2008
Prophecies and Predictions...
If there is one thing I would like to focus on today and in 2009 it would be to not waste time worrying about what people think. I will say no. I will be "ME" without apologies. I will not care so much about what people think. It's okay if someone doesn't like me. As simple as that sounds, it's a very difficult truth for me.
The following speaks for itself. :) Don't rationalize or agonize about it. The universal truth simply is that....
Don't waste your time trying to figure out why they are mean. They just are and the minute you find that out you have been given a gift.
Friday, December 05, 2008
This is the "world's funniest story" established by voting on a British Web site: Two New Jersey hunters (Wisconsin hunters?) are walking through the woods. Suddenly, one of them collapses and is not breathing. The other whips out his cell phone and calls 911. "My friend is dead!" he tells the operator. She says, "Take it easy, I can help you. First you need to make sure he's dead." There is silence and she hears a gunshot. The man comes back on the line. "Ok. Now what?"
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Stones from Ibarra - Harriet Doerr
But, back to "Stones from Ibarra". It is a first novel for a 73 year old woman who also graduated from college at about the same age. It's a bit autobiographical as she lived in Mexico and her husband died from a blood disease, similar to Richard, the husband in the book. Her writing is beautiful and descriptive, but the book was a little disjointed as it's a series of short stories that the author attemps to weave together. It did win a national book award and Harriet Doerr (author) does manage to give a very charming picture of life in a poor Mexican village. One thing I really liked about the book was she never gives a 'moral of the story' as she describes certain behaviors and things that happen. She just leaves them laying there for you to decipher. I asked the married women at the book club what they thought of the two main characters as 'husband and wife' because some of their behaviour seemed peculiar to me. For instance, the main character Sara is always making up things or using her imagination to round out a story which is annoying to her husband. Since they were living in a small village without electricity - hence, no tv, radio - I saw it as entertaining storytelling. You never really know, but some of the married women thought it was because the husband wanted her to be grounded in reality and face that he was going to die. There was nothing concrete about the ending, no wrapping up of loose ends and no bookclub discussion questions in the back of the book so it honestly made for a really great discussion with our group.