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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Windmill in Wisconsin somewhere...

I'm still working on learning how to use my Nikon d80 - I'm going to go back and shoot this one again now that I've learned a little more about lighting and exposure.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure where it is.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

Can we be done with old man winter now?

An old barge on the Mississippi River at Colvill
I've spent the past few months walking through snow and ice at
Colvill....can't wait to see these picnic tables spread out and
covered with ketchup, birthday cake and crying babies
Companionship on the river
A sure sign of Spring!
The Carlson kiln at the base of Barn's Bluff - great history.
The river is alive again after a long sleep...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Know When Enough is Enough

Great trouble comes
From not knowing what is enough.
Great conflict arises from wanting too much.
When we know when enough is enough,
There will always be enough.
-Lao Tzu

Do I have a great excess of possessions? Too many bad behaviors? Unrealistic ideas? Yes. What could I do without? That's where the situation gets dicey.

Junk or art?

A sea of garbage (plastic) most definately excessive and unnecessary junk.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Up on the bluff...

I decided to see what it was like up on the bluff today
- probably the earliest I've ever been up there in the spring. It was a beautiful day.
Yes, the Kiln is still there with some new graphics.
The city - looks like we need some Spring color.

The Kiwanis sign had paw prints all over it - no respect. :)
The steps were completely covered in mud and gunk. Nasty. It needs to rain hard.
It was a little scary with all the ice and snow.
You can see another empty marina.
Will be nice to see some green up here. Spring is on the way.

I did my part to stimulate the economy yesterday.  The Blair stimulus consisted of a car tune-up at the Nissan dealership $42.36, a new skirt, blouse, sweater from Bloomingdales $212 (needed for a wedding reception next weekend and a great value because of the versatility – yes, I can rationalize clothes shopping) and entry into Bogart’s for an evening of dancing -  $6.  I guess the entry fee was to help pay the salary of the Tom Petty Tribute band.  I’d kinda like my money back from Bogart's.  It was…ummm... depressing. An Oscar Wilde quote came to mind, "Either the wallpaper goes or I do." 

 I also started my little planting project for the community garage sale.  We'll see if these little babies show themselves in time for their May 1st debute.  

My morning started at Baypoint Park - it's still icy and frozen in parts, but where the sun shines it was almost balmy. There were a few signs of life with the hearty wildlife - birds and fishing boats - but it will be nice to see that marina filled with life again.  Soon...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

I'm just not that into you...

Dear Winter,

We need to take a break. I know, I's not you. It's me. Well, actually it is you. One day you offer up sunny skies and warm breezes and the next you are all frozen and chilly leaving dangerous pools of ice on the sidewalk. I'm sick of you. My dog is sick of you. My car is especially sick of you. Somewhere underneath all your snow and ice are the flowers I had planted last summer. Remember those? I'd really like to see them again.

I'm sorry winter. We're through.