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Monday, April 15, 2013

The calendar says its spring

Although it's April 15 there is still snow on the ground and more snow in the forecast.  The temp outside is just above freezing and I'm home nursing a cold, sore throat and low grade fever.  This little painting was inspired Larry Pray and his watercolor paintings at PrayTell.  

April 2013


Sunday, April 14, 2013

My new hobby

I've been playing with watercolors for the past almost two years.  It's a hobby that is irresistible to me as I love the way water and paint interacts on good watercolor paper. 

I've almost nothing to show for this passion as much of my work ends up in a pile of near misses or complete disaster.  I've taken two classes from a local watercolor artist, Dan Wiemer and my skills continue to evolve....slowly. 
My first framed painting.