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Monday, December 26, 2005

Hiking in Eldorado Springs, CO

Looking back down the path...

Hiking upward and westward in the area of South Boulder and Bear Peaks.
Scott takes a break on the step, while Jay checks out the path ahead.

The air is a little thinner, but it's a beautiful view from inside the pine trees looking out.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas at Estes Park, CO

Aspen Lodge in Estes Park, CO
Great food and beautiful scenery!
Nativity scene in downtown Estes Park
Sunset on Christmas Eve in Estes Park
We saw the big star on the mountain light up as the sun set in Estes Park
Elk are grazing near the road and just as curious about us as we were about them.

Stacy and Scott out walking around
the prairie dogs.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


The old driver at the airport park-n-ride shouted "are you single?" as I stepped out of my car. Stunned, I looked around with that 'who me?' expression on my face. Is it starting to show, I wondered? I'm suddenly lost in my own thoughts thinking about what the world sees when they look at me. It was only 5:00 a.m. I hadn't yet had my first cup of coffee and I'm not exactly use to such an affront. Apparently, I didn't respond quick enough as he yelled it again. "Ma'am, are you single?" With an affirmative reply from me, he then said "okay, I'll take you." Great! He'll take me. Thank God, I respond to him. He paused for just a second and looked up at me over the top of his glasses. Then in a very kindly, grandfatherly manner he gave me his business card with the information as to how to retreive my car upon my return, explaining to me exactly what I needed to do step by step. I think he felt sorry for me.

Traveling three days before Christmas requires patience, a sense of humor and a good book. The airport was a loud, jarring, angry, harried mob scene. It all sort of swirled around me and I let the stream of people just carry me along with them. It was kind of fun!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Rocky Mountain Christmas!

I'm headed out in a few minutes to the airport. The contents for my suitcase still in piles on the table, the last of which just came out of the dryer. I have four white turtleneck taking up the bulk of my space. Not identical. Each has their own level of warmth and comfort and a varying degree of wear and tear. The thin, old favorite that has been washed a thousand times; the newer one I'm not yet sure about. On a cold day I might even wear two which is why on a five day trip I'm pretty sure I'm going to need all four.

Merry Christmas all --- Hug and kiss the ones you are with!