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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sailing on the Bras d'Or - Cape Breton Island

Was a clear, brisk day with rain coming down in little pods all around us. The captain managed to steer around most of them as our tour went from sunny and warm to wet and cold minute by minute.
I went on the sailboat alone and sat with a group from Germany who didn't speak English. We managed to communicate anyway and they took me in as one of their own when I told them my last name.

We were able to get a great view of the Alexander Graham Bell estate from the boat. Alec and Mable Bell were colorful figures in this area. He was beloved by the locals, but thought to be a bit of a kook as he was always building big kites and doing experiments on the hillside.
The 67 foot shooner was built by the current owners father...inspirational story about making your dreams come true at the following link:

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