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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mom Moves to Minnetonka

Donna and Craig drove Mom from Peoria after the Peoria relatives got her all packed up. They arrived safe and sound in Minnesota on Saturday and we quickly got the truck unloaded, the dishes put away, bed made and our feet up for a break. Donna and Craig are spending the night in the available suite at the complex and Connie, Doug and Molly have prepared dinner for the first night. Lots more to do in the apartment but everything went great and Mom and kitties have a comfy bed to spend the first night together getting settled.

First break in Mom's new aparment
Dr. John carries lots of heavy boxes!!
Connie in control in the kitchen...don't mess with the cook!
Lots of heavy boxes...
Aunt Donna struggling with another heavy box

Molly at Grandma's door

Poor Sammy....what trama
Grandma unveils her new picture.
Everything is in - now we have to find room for everything.
The sisters find a moment to put their feet up.
Molly takes a ride on the elevator.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Congratulations on your new home, Aunt Fern! Moving, when it's a family affair, is always an exciting time. Wish we could have been there!