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Friday, October 03, 2008

What happens in the neighborhood, stays in the neighborhood...

The ladies gather around our token male.
Sara hosted a great party - what a fun neighborhood I live in!
Had you been driving by Pine street at the right moment,
you may have caught a glimpse of some interesting characters crossing the street.

Tonight we learned who among us would be the type to rob a bank or organize a rally.
Whose personality is most like a twinkie and who would order rainbow ice cream with sprinkles.
Also, who would be our lighthouse and who, if they were an exercise is a squat thrust.

I'll never tell.

We also learned the many uses of gold (non-toxic) spray paint
on wedding anniversaries.

Ask Yobaby.

I was merely taking notes for possible later use.

Our hostess Sara carved out all of the little squash candle holders - very festive!

A couple of sexy flash dancers!!

Apparently, there is a gang calling themselves the BT's of 3rd street lurking about our alleys.
I'm not surprised considering all the lovely ladies that live here.
No need to lock your doors or be afraid - they come in peace.

Sara and her little helpers - the house looked fantastic
all decked out for Halloween.

Yobaby tries to play the devil, be we know she is really our own neighborhood angel.
Yes, she is in costume. Check out the bunnie ears!

Thanks for a great night Sara - the red blood wine, desserts, and appetizers
were delicious, the conversation lively and fun (as usual) and the
atmostphere was the perfect setting for a cold, clear, spooky October night.

1 comment:

doubtisgood said...

You sure got the pictures up quick. I'm so glad you could make it last night. It was fun.