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Monday, September 07, 2009

Last day

Vacation is almost over - tomorrow I go back to work after 10 days off. This is the first vacation in a long time that I spent at home. I loved it. Sadly, I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to because the lens on my camera is broken. Having it repaired seemed like more expense then was worthy of the lens, so a new one has been ordered and will be here sometime around Sept 16th. It's a bit better than the broken one, so I'm excited about using it.

This year the Minnesota State Fair was on the agenda twice. A week day the first time and a weekend day the second. While there are hundreds of attractions to keep me visually stimulated, it was the people that I found the most fascinating. I do love looking at the flowers and the bonsai display - and of course the food and music are always worth the price of admission.

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