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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Into The Wild - revisited

Last night I watched the movie Into The Wild again and remembered that I wrote about it here.  I still love this movie - everything about it, the characters found while filming on location, the music, the scenery.  It rates right up there as one of my all time favorite movies.

More about the real Chris McCandless here.

I don't pretend to understand what motivated this kid, in fact I think he might have been a little crazy.  I like heat, food, soft pillows and clean sheets way too much to live the way he did.  But still...the adventurer in him, along with his love of great literature is irresistible.


Anonymous said...

Awesome soundtrack. In fact, I think I will play it on my way to work.

Jolene said...

I really loved the book, but it broke my heart. I don't know if I can watch the movie.