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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunday - 9:26 p.m.

I was late for church this morning and as I walked up to the front doors I could hear the congregation already singing. "Open Our Eyes, Lord" The simple melody and words allowed the tiny group gathered inside to sing so loud and strong. As I reached out to pull open the door I closed my eyes and listened from the sunny outdoors as they sang the verse 'open our ears, Lord, and help us to listen...'

Help me to listen...I had received the message I needed before joining with friends inside.

My friend Jan is teaching me how to knit. I purchased the necessary supplies and sat down with her after church today so that she could 'cast on' and get me started. We may need to back up a couple of steps and begin by working on my fine motor skills. Maybe I should start with stringing cheerios or macrame.

This yarn will eventually be a 'prayer shawl'. I love the concept...weaving prayer into every stitch. I'm so clumsy and awkward with the needles though and Jan, a woman who has the patience of a saint, even leaned over me from behind, taking my hands into hers to try and help me. The instructions state to knit three, purl three, to the end of the row. Turn and knit the purl and purl the knit... You see, this could be a bit of a problem for me as I don't know what that means.

So, this is where I am. Instead of praying with each stitch, I'm swearing. That's not the kind of blessing I'm suppose to be giving this yarn. Maybe I'll have to keep this particular shawl and give away the next one. Stacy wandered in this afternoon and looked at me with doubt. She says if I get something that resembles a shawl for a a barbie doll she will be impressed. She knows me too well. I'm really glad there isn't an urgency for this to keep someone warm. The women at church claim it's therapeutic to knit...I'm not sure for whom, but I'm not giving up just yet.

Miss Tiffany - speaking of theraputic... I spent some time in the grass with her this weekend at the Castle house.
It's like looking in a mirror... She IS the queen of their castle.
Stacy with her babies - Tiffany, Jack and Zoey.

This car has been stored for 7 years and today we took it for a spin. The kids let me drive...5 speed, fast little sporty celica - I love it! I can remember climbing into the back of this car with Stacy in my arms. She was just a baby when Uncle Jack came driving up in this the first time.
Scott gets all the credit for getting it back on the road after all these years.

I ended the weekend with an evening motorcycle ride. This church is in New Trier and I always love the way it looks from the road.

The sun is setting on Cannon Falls newest art. They are painting this on the side of the new winery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as always I love the pictures. Laura I love the way that you write. Good luck with the knitting. Lets hope you learn how to cast off, I never did. Then there is Tiffany, I think that somehow we are related. I feel like I'm one with her. It is sooo good to see Uncle Jack's car back out on the road. Way to go Scott.
