With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Not really...no beer for breakfast, just coffee laced with soy milk and a little ovalteen and a candy cane oreo Christmas cookie from Trader Joe's that I bought yesterday.
It's white outside this morning - just a light coating, but enough to make the sidewalks, rooftops and roads look, from the window at least, as if someone came along in the night with white paint and changed the grey to a bright white. I like it. My neighbors have placed two over-sized bird feeders between our houses and the pine tree outside my dining room window is covered with birds. They must be happy having found their winter home and a place to fill their tiny tummies.
I'm starting to receive gift catalogs for Christmas in the mail and inside the Collections Etc. found this little gem. Which one of you is going to receive the cow vacuum cleaner cover for Christmas this year? It's a surprise!
Check it out... The description says "it sets a whimsical mooood". I would agree. :)
The front of the catalog theatens that this is my
last chance to order or they will say goodbye due
to growing postage costs. Let's hope it's not an
empty threat.
Do you see any buds on my Christmas cactus? My 88 year old (blind) friend, Lillian, who gave it to me asks about it all the time and I'm hoping that this is the year that it finally decideds to flower. I've done everything possible to take care of it. It is growing, but I wish it was covered with buds.

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