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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Christmas is over, but....

2008 has come and gone, I've thrown away left over Christmas cookies, taken the left over candy canes to work and am basically working on becoming 'sugar free' again. I'm like a crack whore when it comes to sugar. Candy canes and gourmet jelly beans are my hidden addiction and I'm working on eradicating them from my diet. I like them in the morning - kinda helps me get going. But, I'm already back the Y for regular workouts and am slowly cleaning up and improving my diet after what seems like a very long holiday season.

However, I'm not ready to part with my Christmas tree yet. It's pretty. It gives off nice light in the living room and I'm wondering when the neighbors will start to whisper about the person who still has Christmas lights glowing from inside and outside of their house. Can I get away with it until February? Anyone have a ruling on this?

I know in time I will tire of it and want to put it away, but that time hasn't come yet. Maybe it's because I don't feel like messing around with all the boxes. I don't know, but this year I'm rather attached to my little tree and the angel that sits on top.

When do you take your Christmas tree down? In my family the rule of thumb use to be that the tree didn't go up until after Dec 15th (my brother's birthday), but I don't remember when we took it down. I guess in those days we had a real tree and by this time it would be dropping needles. My tree is artificial, although it is real to me :) and I like the silvery sage bulbs and the little white lights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave it up until you want to be done with it! It's yours to enjoy.
