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Monday, February 02, 2009

Astute observation and deductive reasoning...

I've been to Hershey, PA and I'm convinced they are not making any chocolate there. The following I know to be true… The smoke stacks are smokeless. The conveyer belts are full of candy, but it’s all wrapped. There are no big vats of smooth milk chocolate turning over and over for curious tourists to ooh and aah over. Candy bar mascots roam the side walks, Hershey Kiss light poles light the streets and an enormous store in the center of town sells every type of Hershey candy imaginable. Upon asking a sales clerk if any chocolate was actually being made in town, I received a hurtful look. I think she believes it is.

All of that aside – what are they up to selling a milk chocolate buttery toffee bar under the names of Scor and the same with the name of Heath? I had a hankering for that smooth milk chocolate and buttery English toffee and have, over the years purchased one or the other. Today I purchased both. But NOT in the same store – aha! In one store I purchased the Scor, not seeing (or even thinking about)the Heath. In the other store I was looking for gum, noticed the Heath and then looked around for the Scor. Apparently they are not sold in the same location. Of course I'll have to do further research to see if this theory holds true.

Now, being in the possession of both I decided it was time for closer inspection. Scor has Hershey proudly displayed across the front of the package. The Heath bar has Hershey obscurely hidden in much smaller print on the back.

A taste tests leaves me scratching my head. They are different, yes – but only slightly. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better. What are you up to Hershey?

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