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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What else can we celebrate with cake?

This morning I had to be out the door and ready for a meeting at 7:00 a.m. Not a big deal normally, but after 10 days off it was a challenge. No lingering on the porch with my coffee, or turning on TCM - Turner Classic Movies - channel 256 on my DirecTV. I watched 'An Affair to Remember' from start to finish before even thinking about taking a shower. It was sooo great!!

It was a good first day though. At times it moved too quickly as I battled to get caught up on email and a mound of paperwork on my desk. But, it was satisfying to be productive and surrounded by the familiar office sounds that are so a part of my life. No one really missed me or knew I was gone though. I wasn't expecting cake or anything, but it would be nice to think my dark office made a few people feel gloomy.

I did have a dream that I was attending my own retirement party. It sucked. Not because I was retiring, but because the party was poorly planned and attended. When I woke up I was happy to have a few years of work to go. I'll have to be nice to people so they want to throw me a good party. I'd like a cake with my picture on it. Maybe one a little bit like this...

I was probably dreaming about retirement parties because I just attended and helped plan Denny's. The picture on the cake idea is sort of 'graduation party-ish' but I like it. I'd like to pick the picture though.

Next year my sister turns 50. I'm thinking she should have a cake with her picture on it. I'd like to pick the picture for that one too. Also, I really like cake.

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