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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Two Steps Forward

The old saying is true - 'two steps forward, one step back' as I continue healing from surgery. Today I am wiped out physically, this the 9th day since surgery. I'll still go through the motions and take Lily to the park and get my exercise in, but I'm exhausted at the notion of doing much else. Yesterday I worked for the first time (3 hours), then went to Target, the video store, the post office and the park, and had tea on my porch with a friend for a couple of hours. Today...not up and dressed yet. I feel confident this is all more than normal and I'm following the advice of the surgeon and his staff. Listen to your body for the first few weeks as it's still healing. The external stitches look good from the laposcopic tools and I can only assume the internal stitches are healing up too. I've been 100 percent compliant...nothing solid since April 28th and that will continue until May 27th when I can have a soft food. I'm ready for soup - my own chicken noodle soup, Fiesta Mexicana apollo soup, a little nibble of an apple with some peanut butter maybe. Until then it's blueberry smoothies, cottage cheese and tomato soup.

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