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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Glenn Beck is an idiot

His 'The Real Story' segment on CNN about Earth Day made my headhurt as he completely distorted the truth and just as I was going to turn him off, he introduced Ray Kurzweil, who wrote 'The Singularity is Near' a book I have and a brilliant man I have heard speak. It was like listening to Elmo trying to interview Einstein - just when it got interesting he cut him off with his kooky eyes and shrugging shoulders and then he made fun of Al Gore, introduced a scientiests who was there to discuss the theory of running a car on compressed air. He kept interrupting him by saying he was still waiting for a flying car and continued to make dumb comments that were completely incoherient. Who does this guy think he is having brilliant scientists on his stupid show and then making fun of their ideas? His point, I think, was that innovation will take care of the environmental problems and that we (us morons that are walking the planet now) need to just shut up and let the generations to come figure out the problems we leave them. grrrrr

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