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Thursday, July 30, 2009

yep, Thursdays! They're big for me.

I like Thursdays. They are a little like the first signs of Spring...hopeful, full of possibilities and new things to come. Not quite the weekend, but so close you can dream about it.

Thursday's start with a meeting at 6:45 a.m. at the St. James Hotel in the Victorian Dining Room. Yep, it's the Dawnbreaker's Kiwanis where the average member age is about 67. I'm the president so I rarely miss these days and get to start the morning talking in front of the group (which I love) and being my normal, chatty, morning self. Love the coffee, the breakfast, the conversation and the cause.

Thursday evenings are loaded with possibilities and excitement too. I might stay up late dancing in a local bar, go for drinks and dinner with friends from work, read a book on my porch, and watch three episodes back to back of Deadliest Catch until midnight. I always feel like I can stay up past my bedtime on Thursday (even though I got up so early) because tomorrow is Friday and really...who needs to 'think' on a Friday.

Somewhere in the middle there, I work...but it's Thursday, ya know. The urgency of Monday and Tuesday are over. I've worked hard on Wednesday to get the yucky stuff off my desk. There is just this over arching sense that what's done is done and really - no need to be too worked up about stuff now. I like to open my mail, clean off my desk, water my plant, delete email and sort of get my house in order for Friday. There is usually a meeting or two to attend, but as I said - it's Thursday so whatever action items come out of that will likely be filed away on Monday's calendar to complete then.

I also usually clean my house, mow my yard, do my laundry and buy my groceries on Thursday. Who wants to do those things on the weekend? I come home like gangbusters straightening, folding, and sometimes even cooking. It's like a little race with me - everything I accomplish on Thursday buys me a little more 'me' time on the weekend.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

and the damn chirping made me miss it.

While I love the sound of chirping birds outside my window, I'm not thrilled by the hour in which they begin. This little cutie woke me up (again) this morning. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but the thought of keeping a loaded BB gun on my window sill did cross my mind.

I shot this picture instead.

The real problem is that between the hours of about 2am and 4am I no longer sleep (is that an old age thing?). By 4:45am, I was soundly sleeping again and having an interesting dream. The dream interrupted may have been inspired by a movie I saw Sunday night "The Ugly Truth" starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. I fell madly in love with Butler in "P.S. I love you", but sadly his latest movie left much to be desired. Most of the time the jokes fell into the category of 10 year old boy humor - more of a nervous and embarrassed chuckle then wild, bold laughter.

Anyway, the dream my little yellow friend interrupted found me sharing a drink in a bar (a blind date I think) with a diminutive gentleman with flaming red hair and an Amish inspired beard. The conversation I was having with the leprechaun was likely inspired by one I had recently in a bar with an older gentleman who lives in a vet home. When this man told me he was from Hinckley MN I couldn't help but regal him with my memory of a book I read about the great Hinckley fire "Under the Flaming Sky". To complicate matters and further my annoyance at having this dream interrupted, the little man at the bar (the one in my dream) was morphing into Little Jimmy Dickens and I was about to ask him about his latest hit (released in 1962) and what his secret is to staying so fit and active at 88 (I just saw Little Jimmy on stage at the Grand Ole Opry while in Nashville and he left quite an impression).

I'm certain the little shock top in white cowboy boots was about to reveal something profound...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Garage Sale in Zumbrota

Stacy and Tom had their very first garage sale this weekend. While we had a good turn out on Friday, we were disappointed that the shoppers didn't show up on Saturday. Looks like we have to have a do-over next weekend. This time we will advertise and expand our signs a bit.

Old jewlery boxes and costume jewlery are fun to look at.
Tom got kinda attached to this snake (wanted it for his car).

Sorry Tom - the snake left with a very happy little boy.
Beautiful summer day in the country with a nice breeze.
Lots of good stuff to look at. Not a lot of customers though.
Who wouldn't want this colorful Italian flag?
Where are the shoppers?
Molly gets in the spirit and shows off some of the jewlery.
The view out here goes on and on....
Lily loves the freedom of the country and playing the the big dogs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Discovery Garden at Colvill Park

My Kiwanis club, the Dawnbreaker's are on rotation to help keep Red Wing's newest garden weed free. Every three weeks we meet for a couple of hours to weed, sweep and whisper sweet nothings into the souls of all the pretty little things growing in their beds. It's a labor of love as we all see this beautiful garden as part of our own and just another example of what happens when a community comes together with a shared vision.

Our little team. Barbara, Dave, Al, Bill, Kay and Brian

Barbara comes prepared.
Dr. Dave Harris checks over his work.
Brian is keeping the outside looking good.
Bill works up a sweat pushing his broom and giving the gardens a well kept look.

Many hands make little work!

Habitat for Humanity - July 2009

The Habitat house is about a block away from me on Pine street.
Kay and I are learning the tricks of the capentry trade.
Rick, Laura and Kay
Chief Sletten (Tim) is in charge of measuring and cutting.
The crew chief is a saint - he put up with our Abbott and Costello routine for 3 hours.
Kay gives the crew chief a laugh as she tries to figure out that drill.
We take instruction well.

Rick isn't the boss here - he is a greenhorn.

It's all about TEAM work!
Rick can't help himself - we let him think it's all about him.
Kay has that drill figured out.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ride to Mankato

Although it was a nice July day, we were freezing and wind weary after riding over to Mankato on our bikes for a meeting. Hot chocolate was necessary on our final stop as we had about 45 minutes until returning to Red Wing and the sun was setting fast. Still - it was fun to be out with my two favorite riding buddies.

Myron's just goofing around - he's just not that into my camera.
Denny will coorperate and pose with his new ride.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Progressive garden party

Beautiful day for our 1st annual garden tour. we made four stops to tour the garden and have a bite to eat. The last stop was the local winery where we had a tour of the vineyard.