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Thursday, July 30, 2009

yep, Thursdays! They're big for me.

I like Thursdays. They are a little like the first signs of Spring...hopeful, full of possibilities and new things to come. Not quite the weekend, but so close you can dream about it.

Thursday's start with a meeting at 6:45 a.m. at the St. James Hotel in the Victorian Dining Room. Yep, it's the Dawnbreaker's Kiwanis where the average member age is about 67. I'm the president so I rarely miss these days and get to start the morning talking in front of the group (which I love) and being my normal, chatty, morning self. Love the coffee, the breakfast, the conversation and the cause.

Thursday evenings are loaded with possibilities and excitement too. I might stay up late dancing in a local bar, go for drinks and dinner with friends from work, read a book on my porch, and watch three episodes back to back of Deadliest Catch until midnight. I always feel like I can stay up past my bedtime on Thursday (even though I got up so early) because tomorrow is Friday and really...who needs to 'think' on a Friday.

Somewhere in the middle there, I work...but it's Thursday, ya know. The urgency of Monday and Tuesday are over. I've worked hard on Wednesday to get the yucky stuff off my desk. There is just this over arching sense that what's done is done and really - no need to be too worked up about stuff now. I like to open my mail, clean off my desk, water my plant, delete email and sort of get my house in order for Friday. There is usually a meeting or two to attend, but as I said - it's Thursday so whatever action items come out of that will likely be filed away on Monday's calendar to complete then.

I also usually clean my house, mow my yard, do my laundry and buy my groceries on Thursday. Who wants to do those things on the weekend? I come home like gangbusters straightening, folding, and sometimes even cooking. It's like a little race with me - everything I accomplish on Thursday buys me a little more 'me' time on the weekend.

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