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Sunday, August 16, 2009

and his name is Arnold

While out on one of Red Wing's trails yesterday morning I encountered a beautiful black/brown (German Shepard mix?) dog from the Humane Society. My little dog Lily, a Tibetan terrier (20 lbs of fluff and chatter), did nothing to rattle the feathers of this big, gentle giant as she sauntered by. While talking to the Humane Society employee the two dogs gave each other the once over. Lily in her typical bow and play stance did everything to entice this fellow into misbehavior, but he kept still next to his owner; tail wagging and big, brown eyes smiling. (That last part might be my own imagination). I fell in love. If you know anyone that is looking for a magnificent rescue dog send them over to our Humane Society. This dog is worth a look!

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