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Saturday, August 15, 2009

what day is it?

Ever wake up and wonder......where am I suppose to be? I haven't slept well in weeks and last night I took melatonin and slept pretty good. Normally I'm very much a morning person waking up chatty and clear headed. Not so this morning. I need coffee to get the brain trust started and am sitting here in a bit of a fog. Is that the melatonin still at work or the after effects of actually sleeping? Either way my body is grateful for some good REM sleep.

Yesterday I took a ride on the back of a Gold Wing motorcycle. Beautiful hot day, great music in my ears and I could enjoy the scenery in a way that I just can't when I'm on my own bike. Needless to say I loved it. We are planning an afternoon trip to a friends cabin and I'm kinda thinking it might be fun to just jump on the back and ride along instead of taking my own.

Going walking/running this morning. I'm a terrible runner, but it uses different muscles and I hurt so good when I'm done. Not sure I will ever be a runner but I've been challenged by a friend to run in a marathon next year. I'm going to give it the old college try and keep running a little when I'm out with Lily. She loves it, but looks back at me wondering what we are chasing.

More coffee....

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