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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

my books are collecting dust

My February reading has taken a back seat to a bunch of other activities.  I'm way behind the goal I set for myself of a book every two weeks.  Why?  Well, first it's all those other activities.  Dinner parties, going out dancing, evening meetings, hanging out with friends, watching the Olympics, watching Dexter On Demand - season 4, listening to some new music in the morning instead of a book on tape.  Lately, I'm a bit obsessed with Lady Gaga.  

Still though, I'm usually juggling a fairly active social calendar while managing down time for the books I love.  I'm working on getting through "The Book Thief" which is written in Nazi Germany and the main character is death.  It's slow to get in to, yet I'm determined to read it because I think it's worth the effort.  I'm just finding myself either too tired or too tipsy to read before bed like I normally do.

Books are such a central theme of my life that I'm finding that I miss them this morning.  I'm not sure what life is like for people who don't read on a regular basis. I'm not judging, just curious what they use to fill that void.  Plus I believe you miss out on so much when you don't take the time to escape into the written words of a really great author from time to time.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

count down to Spring break - 17 days

I've long suspected this to be true, but my theory on vacation planning was confirmed in a New York Times article I read this morning.  People experience more happiness before their vacation then afterwards.  It's all part of the thrill of planning.

My next adventure is a Spring break trip to Chicago with Stacy and Tom.  There is lots to do and see so we'll have to let the weather dictate some of our outings.  I've never been to Millennium Park  so that's high on my list.  I've never been to the Art Institute of Chicago either, but I may be pushing my luck with that one. Not sure my travel partners will be as enthused to do that as I am.   I love Navy Pier and the Lincoln Park Zoo so they may be good options.

The last time I was in Chicago was Thanksgiving weekend.  My sister was moving and we found ourselves homeless (sort of) on Thanksgiving Day.  While looking for a place to have a Thanksgiving meal we stopped into a cafe that we found open near her new house.  Everyone was smiling and nodding at us as we walked in - so warm and inviting.  As we made our way through the restaurant though it became clear that this was no ordinary day at the diner.  The happy, over-compensating hostess was clearly treating us like special needs adults.  Did my hair look that bad?  They were serving a meal for the homeless and not open to the public.  Geesh - we were kinda homeless and the turkey did smell really good...... No, no...we left with our dignity and just a few baked goods purchased out of the case (after much fussing over the cash register and interrupting the owners meal).

But I digress....this trip is purely for relaxation and pleasure.  No packing, hauling, cleaning, or fighting with movers.

The truth is I don't really care what we do - it will just be fun to all be together at my sisters.  Waking up in the same house, hanging out together all day, falling asleep under the same roof.  Thinking about these simple things is putting a smile on my face.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


While out eagle hunting on a very pretty, frosty morning I captured a nice shot of my Mother.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'd believe an insanity plea

Amy Bishop, the Alabama university professor that killed three of her colleagues looks insane to me.  
Just look at those bangs.   

Monday, February 15, 2010

A neighbor left me a little Valentine on my back door.  
Nice surprise!

Monday, February 08, 2010

goodbye Lillian

My puppy, Lilly's namesake, Lillian died last Thursday.  Her funeral was today.  We will certainly miss her insights, wit and enthusiasm for everything.  Lillian lived the last 34 years of her life completely blind.  At her funeral they talked about how now her sight is restored and she can watch her beloved MN Twins play ball from heaven.  I hope so.

click to enlarge

Sunday, February 07, 2010

It's been 30 years....

High school wasn't my thing.  I was glad when it ended.  AND....I don't think I ever really wore my hair like this.

The reptilian brain

This morning a doctor or therapist or some counselor type person reported on "Sunday Morning"  that the reason we humans like reality t.v. so much is because we have a reptile brain.  Whoa - that got my attention.  I love reality t.v.  Survivor, Wife Swap, American Idol, Hoarders, Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab, Intervention, What Not to Wear, The Bachelor, Amazing Race, Project Runway, America's Next Top name a few.  :)

The reptile brain is the most primitive area of the brain and responsible for simple feelings of fight or flight, hunger, fear etc. Apparently, there is something about these reality t.v. shows that this primitive brain is responding too.

Is it a problem?  Heck, I don't think so.  Seems like harmless entertainment to me.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

who's next?

Today I'm going to spend the day with a dear friend who lost her mother last Thursday.  Lillian was 89 years old, blind and fell and broke her hip on Wednesday.  She had surgery Thursday morning and was stable and awake immediately following.  By 1:30 p.m. or so she had a heart attack and died.  Her daughter was with her the whole time and there was little trauma as she slipped away.  She was a delightful woman, endearing herself to everyone at the hospital who came into contact with her.  The funeral is Monday and we have no choice but to accept her passing and carry on.

I take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open and get on with it. - Sir Laurence Olivier

Interesting, the thing I think about is who's next?  Seems like these things happen in threes.  Death is fairly easy to accept when you've dealt with it often enough.  Yet still comes as a complete shock when it happens.  Dwelling on the notion of death coming to call is pointless.  I'm going to attempt to keep that simple view that Olivier points out and celebrate the people around me today.

I'm off to have breakfast at a B&B with a friend.  She won the luxury night in a silent auction and is sleeping a few doors down.  Since her husband has a meeting this morning I get to enjoy the second B and have breakfast with her.  I never get to see the insides of these mysteries places that surround me in the historic district of Red Wing so it will be a real treat.

Their calling for more snow today, but I'll keep my camera with me and try to stay in the moment with my eyes open.  Getting on with it is fantastic advice.