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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fun at the dog park in Illinois

Wally and Lily enjoy their freedom at the Lake Forest dog park in IL
Beautiful day - it rained a little and then the sun came out.

Aunt Cathy keeps everyone on track...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday on Barn Bluff

This picture is a camera mistake - but I love the effect.
Summer is coming to a close on the bluff.
Although it looks deserted up here, there are a couple
dozen people rope climbing at the rock quarry. Also,
lots of people hiking and taking pictures like me.
The boat houses at Bay Point Park, as seen from the bluff.
There is almost no place I love as much as the North ridge of the bluff
It is quiet enough to hear leaves falling.
Soon we will be dreaming of this kind of green.
New graffiti reminds me this is a popular place.

I am able to get a little closer to the wildlife with my new lens.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What else can we celebrate with cake?

This morning I had to be out the door and ready for a meeting at 7:00 a.m. Not a big deal normally, but after 10 days off it was a challenge. No lingering on the porch with my coffee, or turning on TCM - Turner Classic Movies - channel 256 on my DirecTV. I watched 'An Affair to Remember' from start to finish before even thinking about taking a shower. It was sooo great!!

It was a good first day though. At times it moved too quickly as I battled to get caught up on email and a mound of paperwork on my desk. But, it was satisfying to be productive and surrounded by the familiar office sounds that are so a part of my life. No one really missed me or knew I was gone though. I wasn't expecting cake or anything, but it would be nice to think my dark office made a few people feel gloomy.

I did have a dream that I was attending my own retirement party. It sucked. Not because I was retiring, but because the party was poorly planned and attended. When I woke up I was happy to have a few years of work to go. I'll have to be nice to people so they want to throw me a good party. I'd like a cake with my picture on it. Maybe one a little bit like this...

I was probably dreaming about retirement parties because I just attended and helped plan Denny's. The picture on the cake idea is sort of 'graduation party-ish' but I like it. I'd like to pick the picture though.

Next year my sister turns 50. I'm thinking she should have a cake with her picture on it. I'd like to pick the picture for that one too. Also, I really like cake.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Last day

Vacation is almost over - tomorrow I go back to work after 10 days off. This is the first vacation in a long time that I spent at home. I loved it. Sadly, I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to because the lens on my camera is broken. Having it repaired seemed like more expense then was worthy of the lens, so a new one has been ordered and will be here sometime around Sept 16th. It's a bit better than the broken one, so I'm excited about using it.

This year the Minnesota State Fair was on the agenda twice. A week day the first time and a weekend day the second. While there are hundreds of attractions to keep me visually stimulated, it was the people that I found the most fascinating. I do love looking at the flowers and the bonsai display - and of course the food and music are always worth the price of admission.