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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Time is here...

Yesterday while out shopping I discovered a bra that claimed to be age defying.  I didn't buy it.  I like age defying moisturizers and lipstick, but the age defying bra sounded painful. However, a little pain might have done some of the women we encountered out on Minnesota dance floors this weekend some good. Seriously, the cautionary tale of not running with scissors comes to mind, only modified to say no aggressive dancing without a good support bra.  You could put on eye out with those things. Ah, but who am I to judge...

So two nights in a row dancing and I'm seriously behind on Christmas stuff.  While we did do the shopping necessary for a Christmas party coming up this week - pj's for the kids in the abused children program at the Friendship House - the wrapping will need to be completed today. Every year my Kiwanis club takes kids (each holding a list of their family members) shopping at the dollar store. The first year we did this I was a non-believer.  What good could possibly come from buying something for a dollar to give to your little brother, mom or grandma?  Have you been in a dollar store lately?  It's a blast!  The kids love it! The things you can discover about a kid while they agonize over the glass jewelry box in the shape of a dolphin and some body splash is truly amazing.  I can only hope the receiver of these little gifts accepts them in the spirit in which they are given. After an hour of shopping we then go back to the Friendship house and wrap the presents and eat pizza.  The kids are then sent home with gifts to put under the tree for the family.  If life is measured by "the bang for your buck", (an expression I loath) then this is a success.  This year our club decided it would be nice to send the kids home with their own gift.  Who doesn't love new jammies?  Although a gift card for each kid might have been more practical (sizes of 5, 6 and 7 year olds that you don't know is kinda tricky), we decided climbing into bed with a gift card had way less of an impact then tricked out Transformer jammes (or whatever they were).

So, I'll finish up with my Christmas tree and wrap the jammies and hopefully find a delightful Christmas movie to watch on the Hallmark or TCM channel.  I've seen some doozies so far this year.

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