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Monday, December 14, 2009

tiger's wife mad

Everyday I receive an email from the Urban Dictionary  with a new urban word of the day.  Today it's "tiger's wife mad".  Poor Tiger Woods. I haven't followed the story closely, but apparently he is up to over 12 lovers.  Is this arrogance or some other human deficiency?   Who knows?

The troubling thing to me is the following quote from his late father.
"He's qualified through his ethnicty to accomplish miracles.  He's the bridge between the East and the West. There is no limit because he has the guidance.  I don't know yet exactly what form this will take.  But he is the Chosen One."
Huh?  The Chosen One?

Talk about great expectations for your son.  To me he's just a guy with an amazing talent who had too much attention lavished on him since he was a little boy hitting balls on the Mike Douglas show.  I might be a little tiger's wife mad at my parents for that stinky load of crap.

If you want your children to have a peaceful life, 

let them suffer a little hunger and a little coldness.

 Chinese Proverb

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