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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If I don't create them, I don't have to keep them

New Year's Resolution 2010 - gotta add one more to the list.  I have a secret.  A horrifying little secret that terrifies me on a regular basis – usually in the form of an anxiety attack at 2:00 a.m.


Snail mail.

That stinking pile of envelopes, magazines, advertisements, flyers and newspapers haunts me in my sleep.  I pile it into baskets or grocery bags.  Tuck it away in closets and promise myself I will go through soon as I have time....tomorrow, maybe the weekend.  Inevitably Sunday night comes and it’s still untouched and mocking me from wherever I have hidden it in my perfectly organized and clean house.  My dirty secret.

That is until this past Sunday.  It took a three day holiday weekend for me to face over two months worth of untouched mail.  I know!  The horrors.  I wanted to go out shopping, take pictures of eagles, watch a movie, eat chocolate and take the dog on a hike.  I didn’t do any of it until I faced my devil.

I took my stash out of its hiding place (and there were many). Dumped it all on my perfectly made bed (I mention that in defense of my otherwise very organized lifestyle) took a deep breath , made a pot of coffee, plucked my eyebrows, gave myself a manicure, rearranged the socks in my sock drawer, looked through 4 or 5 books that I want to start next, leafed through a magazine and then…without further delay (and a little self scolding to get on with it) I dug in.

One pile for junk, one pile for things needing my attention.  I opened everything.  I filled two paper bags with junk and carried a nice, neat little pile to my desk of things needing my attention.  What the….  Why do I do this to myself?  Two hours on a beautiful Sunday I will never get back.  The devil was not waiting for me in that pile.  Nothing scary, nothing I can’t handle, no big deal.

So, the resolution part you ask? I will open my mail every day.  I will open my mail every day.  I will open my mail every day.

I placed a recycled bin next to my mailbox.  Check.  Go to the mail, throw the junk away.  I can do this.

I placed a shoebox with my check book, stamps and pen near the mailbox.  Go to the mailbox, write a check for anyone needing money (now is your chance), stick a stamp on it and put back in the mailbox.  Check.  I can do this.

This weekend I will select the paperless option on everything I pay online. I will also go paperless on my bank site so that I stop receiving all those statements that I don't need (or ever look at).  Receiving these things via snail mail seems archaic.

So today….Day 1 of this wild new ride I’m on called responsible mail recipient.  I came home…went to the mailbox….opened my mail.  (3 pieces – a thing of beauty) and dealt with it.  There was even a coupon for Barnes and Noble.  How cool is that?

Tomorrow is Day 2 – wish me luck.  Oh, and as for resolutions…..well….

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