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Sunday, February 07, 2010

The reptilian brain

This morning a doctor or therapist or some counselor type person reported on "Sunday Morning"  that the reason we humans like reality t.v. so much is because we have a reptile brain.  Whoa - that got my attention.  I love reality t.v.  Survivor, Wife Swap, American Idol, Hoarders, Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab, Intervention, What Not to Wear, The Bachelor, Amazing Race, Project Runway, America's Next Top name a few.  :)

The reptile brain is the most primitive area of the brain and responsible for simple feelings of fight or flight, hunger, fear etc. Apparently, there is something about these reality t.v. shows that this primitive brain is responding too.

Is it a problem?  Heck, I don't think so.  Seems like harmless entertainment to me.

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