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Saturday, February 06, 2010

who's next?

Today I'm going to spend the day with a dear friend who lost her mother last Thursday.  Lillian was 89 years old, blind and fell and broke her hip on Wednesday.  She had surgery Thursday morning and was stable and awake immediately following.  By 1:30 p.m. or so she had a heart attack and died.  Her daughter was with her the whole time and there was little trauma as she slipped away.  She was a delightful woman, endearing herself to everyone at the hospital who came into contact with her.  The funeral is Monday and we have no choice but to accept her passing and carry on.

I take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open and get on with it. - Sir Laurence Olivier

Interesting, the thing I think about is who's next?  Seems like these things happen in threes.  Death is fairly easy to accept when you've dealt with it often enough.  Yet still comes as a complete shock when it happens.  Dwelling on the notion of death coming to call is pointless.  I'm going to attempt to keep that simple view that Olivier points out and celebrate the people around me today.

I'm off to have breakfast at a B&B with a friend.  She won the luxury night in a silent auction and is sleeping a few doors down.  Since her husband has a meeting this morning I get to enjoy the second B and have breakfast with her.  I never get to see the insides of these mysteries places that surround me in the historic district of Red Wing so it will be a real treat.

Their calling for more snow today, but I'll keep my camera with me and try to stay in the moment with my eyes open.  Getting on with it is fantastic advice.

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