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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Habitat For Humanity

Paul - our crew boss and Brian taking a little break. Paul has been working on this house for seven weeks already. He spends time here after work evey day and the weekends. He relies on a multitude of volunteers to see this project through to completion.

Jack, Paul, Dennis and Brian - still smiling at the end of the day! Paul asked us to bring gloves, brooms, masks, patience and good attitudes. We had all of that in abundance!

We insulated the main floor of the house so masks and
gloves were an important part of our uniform.

Paul taught me how to use some noisy,
electric saw thing to cut out the windows.
It took every bit of strength I had to hold
on to it and not cut into the house.

I couldn't get over the great view and kept commenting on it to everyone, including Deb, the new owner. Might have been nice had someone clued me in that the couple is blind. Oh well, it's a great view and a lovely breeze from way up on this hill.

Dennis working hard up in the house while the rest of us take a break.

Lunch arrived and the tired crew takes a break. This is a great group of people and was a very rewarding experience.

The other Dennis - he's been working so hard
and has a kind word and smile for everyone.

Deb and her husband are
looking forward to move in day.

We learned how a house is wrapped. A pretty good wind is blowing at this point, which made this process a little tricky.

After a little trial and error they worked out a system - team work at it's best! The old saying "many hands make light work" comes to mind. My job was to help smooth out wrinkles and hand them staples...and so the nickname 'staple girl'.

The first corner was the hardest...

Paul checking on his crew below. We had an accident free day - Patti holds up the ladder for Brian. She also worked hard at getting all that insulation installed. The insulation material is pretty toxic stuff - itchy and scratchy too - so we needed a breather after that. Patti is wearing her mask on her head while she takes a coke break.

Our day jobs are sitting at a desk so we look pretty good out there. I thought we made a great team!

Thanks for inviting us for the day Paul. You are doing an awesome job an admirable service to the community! You inspire the spirit of volunteerism in all who work with you.

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