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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Building a city

Normally, I make it a point not to write about work. Today is the exception. Today - March 26 2008 is a day I want to remember. I've never been more proud to live and work in Red Wing and represent our community to a variety of people who all have a passionate desire to help write our history. If this was the last day of my professional life, I could look back and know I had the privilege of working with a group of people that stayed committed to a cause, even when it seemed impossible to achieve. I’m proud to have peers who have an altruistic approach to improving a city and a desire to leave it a bit improved for the generation to come.

Eli's tattoo 'Mudita' comes to mind tonight. He decided on that tattoo so that he would never forget how he felt at a particular moment in time. As his tender age he recognized how easy it is to become cynical and lose sight of a single-minded purpose to celebrate the happiness around us; happiness in the little moments as well as the monumental ones. Today is really a small moment, but I don't want to forget. Maybe I'll get a tattoo that reads 'Eli' on my wrist to help me remember.

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