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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Fast processor, not enough memory

Why is it that I can remember a song that was playing on the radio in 1985,while driving with my roommates, and when I hear it can recall the discussion we were having in the car? Or that my 2nd grade teacher scolded me for doing cartwheels in the hallway? While other more relavant things, that are important in my life today, completely escape me?

For instance, sometimes...

I don't know how old I am
I've had to use a calculator to figure it out. It's probably not alzheimers because I know what year I was born and all of that, it's just that if you were to catch me off guard and ask me, I would get within a couple of years, but may not know for sure. You would assume I was lying or embarrased to answer. I was born in 1962. I'm 46. I checked the math.

I don't know how much money I make
Am I completely irresponsible for not knowing this? It's not as if I have no idea. Every year it is part of my annual review...I just don't remember. People talk about what they make and the 3 or 4 percent increase and how much more that will mean next year blah, blah, blah and there is something about my brain that just doesn't compute (or keep track of) that information.

I forgot to change my furnace filter for TWO years!
I've been a home owner for over 20 years and for some reason I forgot to change my furnace filter for over two years in the house I live in now. Someone else was commenting that they forgot to change theirs for a couple of months and I thought, oh shit...I haven't changed mine ever.

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