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Monday, September 22, 2008

Burn After Reading

Saw the movie this weekend and although it was as expected - a quirky dark comedy by the Cohen brothers - it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Although I laughed every time John Malkovich spit out the f-bomb, which was quite a bit, the plot left a lot to be desired and I noticed during the film that I was mostly just enjoying watching great actors act.

The most frustrating character for me was played by Francis McDormand. Couldn't they have given her more motivation than wanting a man and plastic surgery? Not necessarily in that order. Okay, well maybe there is some truth about that in all women, (it's not just it?) but for a smart movie created by smart men I wish they would have gone a bit deeper with her. It was all a bit too shallow to sustain any real humor. I didn't even feel sorry for her - I just kinda got tired of who she was. **Note to self....don't dwell too much about wanting a man and plastic surgery lest your friends/family won't feel sorry for you.
The CIA agents constantly mispronouncing "big" words was funny and naturally there were a couple of pretty gruesome scenes that were in keeping with the Cohen style. Although I wouldn't sit through it again, it was a pleasure watching Clooney, Pitt and especially Malkovich do what they get paid the big bucks to do.

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