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Friday, September 26, 2008

You Go girls!

GO GIRLS! was designed to encourage teens to voice their opinions to advertisers, letting them know that beauty and success have little to do with the size of their jeans.

The Red Wing chapter of the Go Girls spoke at a service club meeting yesterday and although I've heard them speak before, their message really resonated with me. If only I had their confidence at 17 or 18 years of age....actually, if only I had their confidence now! They were inspiring, intelligent and informed about what advertising and the media do to the self esteem of women and will not entertain conversations with their friends that have to do with a poor body image. While listening to these amazing young women I realized they had a powerful message for me and that there was so much I could learn from them. They are hoping to raise money for awareness and want to travel to Fiji because they have learned in their research that there was no incidences of eating disorders there until American TV, shows like 90210 made their way to their little corner of the world. Interestingly Fiji women tend to be larger women and didn't have a problem with that until they were introduced to our advertising. The Red Wing Go Girls want to speak to groups in Fiji and help empower their young women.

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