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Monday, November 03, 2008

I'll take that hour...

It's been a while. Been busy. Been uninspired to write. Been obsessed with CNN. Been sick with a cold. It's November, right? We finally turned the clocks back an hour - which was great, but I'd like to advocate for falling back a day and having a whole 24 hours back. I hate being sick. It's such a waste of time and when you drink Nyquil at 5:00 a.m. the rest of your day is going to suck. I speak of what I know.

So, I lost Sunday...

Saturday was fun though. Picked up my cousin John, met up with Stacy and Tom and spent the day moving my Mom. It really was fun - I like doing stuff like that with family and although I felt physically wiped out at the end (the foreshadowing of my sick day on Sunday) it was a good day and I really like my Mom's new place. She likes it too.

Friday - I drove down to Winona with some co-workers for a meeting and then beer/popcorn at Bubs - pronouced like a female body part. When I got home I had a few options... 1.) go buy candy for the trick-or-treaters, 2.) go out with a friend to the bar, or 3.) Hide. I chose 3 as I was too tired to go out and mingle with the Halloween crowd and didn't want to fight the door, a barking dog and a big bowl of left over candy by myself.

Thursday - Started the day at 6:30 a.m. at Kiwanis and ended the day at the United Way Chili Cook-Off serving beer. In between was back-to-back vendor interviews. Interestly, all but one of the vendors did their presentation over the phone and via the web. When it was time to bring in the vendor who actually came to the building in person we had to clean up a conference table littered with left over lunch and candy wrappers, clear out the stench, comb our hair, sit up straight and resist making obnoxious hand gestures to each other.

Wednesday - 7:00 a.m. meeting to go over a 60 page report and ended the day at the Kiwanis Banquet at Weiderholts where I was crowned "Queen". Okay, there was no crown, just an awards banquet and no, I'm not the queen just the president of the club this year. I was hoping for the British National Anthem - "God Save the Queen" but the accordian player didn't know it. We did sing a really cool wawawa waltzing bear song that with a few lyric changes could be quite lewd.

Tuesday - I didn't have to start work until about 7:30 a.m. - YaHoo! Ended the day at my bookclub meeting in the cities where we discussed Fahrenheit 451. Fantastic discussion, but the beginning of my not getting enough sleep to get through the rest of the week.

Monday - who knows...that's like a lifetime ago.

So how is your week going? Is this a busy time of year or what?

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