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Monday, December 14, 2009

tiger's wife mad

Everyday I receive an email from the Urban Dictionary  with a new urban word of the day.  Today it's "tiger's wife mad".  Poor Tiger Woods. I haven't followed the story closely, but apparently he is up to over 12 lovers.  Is this arrogance or some other human deficiency?   Who knows?

The troubling thing to me is the following quote from his late father.
"He's qualified through his ethnicty to accomplish miracles.  He's the bridge between the East and the West. There is no limit because he has the guidance.  I don't know yet exactly what form this will take.  But he is the Chosen One."
Huh?  The Chosen One?

Talk about great expectations for your son.  To me he's just a guy with an amazing talent who had too much attention lavished on him since he was a little boy hitting balls on the Mike Douglas show.  I might be a little tiger's wife mad at my parents for that stinky load of crap.

If you want your children to have a peaceful life, 

let them suffer a little hunger and a little coldness.

 Chinese Proverb

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Time is here...

Yesterday while out shopping I discovered a bra that claimed to be age defying.  I didn't buy it.  I like age defying moisturizers and lipstick, but the age defying bra sounded painful. However, a little pain might have done some of the women we encountered out on Minnesota dance floors this weekend some good. Seriously, the cautionary tale of not running with scissors comes to mind, only modified to say no aggressive dancing without a good support bra.  You could put on eye out with those things. Ah, but who am I to judge...

So two nights in a row dancing and I'm seriously behind on Christmas stuff.  While we did do the shopping necessary for a Christmas party coming up this week - pj's for the kids in the abused children program at the Friendship House - the wrapping will need to be completed today. Every year my Kiwanis club takes kids (each holding a list of their family members) shopping at the dollar store. The first year we did this I was a non-believer.  What good could possibly come from buying something for a dollar to give to your little brother, mom or grandma?  Have you been in a dollar store lately?  It's a blast!  The kids love it! The things you can discover about a kid while they agonize over the glass jewelry box in the shape of a dolphin and some body splash is truly amazing.  I can only hope the receiver of these little gifts accepts them in the spirit in which they are given. After an hour of shopping we then go back to the Friendship house and wrap the presents and eat pizza.  The kids are then sent home with gifts to put under the tree for the family.  If life is measured by "the bang for your buck", (an expression I loath) then this is a success.  This year our club decided it would be nice to send the kids home with their own gift.  Who doesn't love new jammies?  Although a gift card for each kid might have been more practical (sizes of 5, 6 and 7 year olds that you don't know is kinda tricky), we decided climbing into bed with a gift card had way less of an impact then tricked out Transformer jammes (or whatever they were).

So, I'll finish up with my Christmas tree and wrap the jammies and hopefully find a delightful Christmas movie to watch on the Hallmark or TCM channel.  I've seen some doozies so far this year.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Into The Wild - revisited

Last night I watched the movie Into The Wild again and remembered that I wrote about it here.  I still love this movie - everything about it, the characters found while filming on location, the music, the scenery.  It rates right up there as one of my all time favorite movies.

More about the real Chris McCandless here.

I don't pretend to understand what motivated this kid, in fact I think he might have been a little crazy.  I like heat, food, soft pillows and clean sheets way too much to live the way he did.  But still...the adventurer in him, along with his love of great literature is irresistible.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Three Bean and Beef Chili

Today we are making chili from this recipe.  Had some discussion and confusion about the chipotle chili in adobo sauce - what the heck is that?  We found it in the ethnic section of the grocery store and have enough adobo sauce to make a few more pots.  Chili is simmering and smelling fantastic.  I've actually had this chili before (a lady from work made it), so I know it's good.  Good for ya too!

Food Network:  Three Bean and Beef Chili 
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, diced (1 cup)
1 red bell pepper, diced (1 cup)
2 carrots, diced (1/2 cup)
2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 pound extra-lean ground beef (90 percent)
1 (28 oz) can crushed tomatoes
2 cups water
1 chipotle chili in adobo sauce, seeded and minced
2 teaspoons adobo sauce from the can of chipotles
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 (15.5-oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15.5-oz) can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15.5-ox) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed

Heat the oil in large pot or Dutch oven over moderate heat.  Add the onion, bell pepper and carrots, cover and cook, stirring occasionally until the vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes.  Add the cumin and cook, stirring, for 1 minute.  Add the ground beef; raise the heat to high and cook, breaking up the meat with a spoon, until the meat is no longer pink.  Stir in tomatoes, water, chipotle and adobo sauce, oregano and salt and pepper.  Cook, partially covered, stirring from time to time for 30 minutes.  Stir in the beans and continue cooking, partially covered, 20 minutes longer.  Season, to taste, with salt and pepper.

Recipe Summary:  10 cups (serves 8, serving size 1 1/4 cup)

Nutrition Information
Nutritional Analysis per serving
Total fat: 0 grams
Protein: 22 grams
Fiber: 10 grams
Calories: 295
Saturated fat: 2.5 grams
Carbohydrates: 35 grams

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

this old house

I'm painting my bedroom today.  It was a soft lavender and I'm half way to crisp linen.  There was a chair rail that went around the room closer to the ceiling then the floor (strange) and I ripped that out today too.  I'm not sure every trace of the chair rail will be removed, but I'm spackle'd and sanded so there's not much else I can do.

A fellow blogger had a link to a cool website with vinyl wall decals that I love!  Check it out.  I have a few different places around the house (besides the bedroom) that I'm thinking of putting one of these.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

...and 25 years ago I had a baby!

There were flurries on October 29, 1984 when we drove to Ramsey Medical Center.  The contractions started sometime during the night and by morning I was exhausted and wanting to go to the hospital.  We lived in a big, old house in St. Paul - our apartment was on the top floor and we used a skeleton key to access our four little rooms.  That morning I sat on the top step, dressed and waiting for my husband.  He had to tie my shoes.  Every 10-12 minutes or so I would have a contraction so in-between we hurried to the car.

In the suitcase my husband carried to the car was a brand new white/blue robe (that I still have) and matching slippers.  I had hand lotion, lip gloss, magazines, a book and playing cards. The maternity ward was busy that day and I never made it to a birthing room.  Those wonderful family birthing rooms were a fairly new concept back then and sadly I never saw the inside of one.  My room was really a check-in room, used for over flow.  I was comfortable, but there were no amenities for family. We walked the halls and practiced our Lamaze breathing. The television was on, but I don't recall what, if anything, we were watching. 

The morning quickly turned to afternoon and at one point, while I was still arranged neatly on the bed, the door to my room opened at the same time as the door across the hall.  The image I saw haunts me still today.  I whispered to the doctor..."What's wrong with that lady?" He said happily "She's having a baby!"  She was on all fours; her hair was flung forward, her hospital gown tangled around her.  She was making animal noises and a couple of nurses were fussing around her bed.  I was horrified.  Nothing that unladylike had ever occurred to me would be a part of bringing a baby into the world. I was told she was fine and this was all but normal.  Now I'm thinking - uhoh - I should have asked for drugs. 

Stacy Jo was born at 4:06 p.m.  Although I begged at one time for an epidural, it was too far past the time to administer one and I had signed papers previously agreeing to natural childbirth.  What an idiot. Yet, she arrived safely - just under 6 lbs and perfect in every way.  

Less than 24 hours later I was home with this delightful little ball of head and blanket. It's hard for me to believe so much time has past...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fun at the dog park in Illinois

Wally and Lily enjoy their freedom at the Lake Forest dog park in IL
Beautiful day - it rained a little and then the sun came out.

Aunt Cathy keeps everyone on track...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday on Barn Bluff

This picture is a camera mistake - but I love the effect.
Summer is coming to a close on the bluff.
Although it looks deserted up here, there are a couple
dozen people rope climbing at the rock quarry. Also,
lots of people hiking and taking pictures like me.
The boat houses at Bay Point Park, as seen from the bluff.
There is almost no place I love as much as the North ridge of the bluff
It is quiet enough to hear leaves falling.
Soon we will be dreaming of this kind of green.
New graffiti reminds me this is a popular place.

I am able to get a little closer to the wildlife with my new lens.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What else can we celebrate with cake?

This morning I had to be out the door and ready for a meeting at 7:00 a.m. Not a big deal normally, but after 10 days off it was a challenge. No lingering on the porch with my coffee, or turning on TCM - Turner Classic Movies - channel 256 on my DirecTV. I watched 'An Affair to Remember' from start to finish before even thinking about taking a shower. It was sooo great!!

It was a good first day though. At times it moved too quickly as I battled to get caught up on email and a mound of paperwork on my desk. But, it was satisfying to be productive and surrounded by the familiar office sounds that are so a part of my life. No one really missed me or knew I was gone though. I wasn't expecting cake or anything, but it would be nice to think my dark office made a few people feel gloomy.

I did have a dream that I was attending my own retirement party. It sucked. Not because I was retiring, but because the party was poorly planned and attended. When I woke up I was happy to have a few years of work to go. I'll have to be nice to people so they want to throw me a good party. I'd like a cake with my picture on it. Maybe one a little bit like this...

I was probably dreaming about retirement parties because I just attended and helped plan Denny's. The picture on the cake idea is sort of 'graduation party-ish' but I like it. I'd like to pick the picture though.

Next year my sister turns 50. I'm thinking she should have a cake with her picture on it. I'd like to pick the picture for that one too. Also, I really like cake.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Last day

Vacation is almost over - tomorrow I go back to work after 10 days off. This is the first vacation in a long time that I spent at home. I loved it. Sadly, I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to because the lens on my camera is broken. Having it repaired seemed like more expense then was worthy of the lens, so a new one has been ordered and will be here sometime around Sept 16th. It's a bit better than the broken one, so I'm excited about using it.

This year the Minnesota State Fair was on the agenda twice. A week day the first time and a weekend day the second. While there are hundreds of attractions to keep me visually stimulated, it was the people that I found the most fascinating. I do love looking at the flowers and the bonsai display - and of course the food and music are always worth the price of admission.