The cattle roam the gravel road... One day one of these cows even ran along side our car seemingly racing us! Yet, for the most part they seem less interested in us then we are in them.

Main Street in Bozeman - coffee shops, antique stores, book stores, hunting/fishing speciality shops all together in a small-town, friendly, quiet atmosphere.

The white horse spins slowly on Bozeman Street...
1 comment:
I never understood the idea of having a blog. I always struggled with the idea that everything I would say was buried underneath millions and millions of other peoples thoughts. Thinking of the ones that were read by hundreds of people, and comparing my thoughts to theirs. Constantly thinking "I could write something infinitely more interesting than that," kept me from ever taking blogs seriously.
Not until today did I care for blogs. Not until I was able to look at pictures of you with my family over the past year, since Greg came home from the hospital, did I appreciate this idea. I just want to say Thank you for having this. As sad as it sounds, this is one of my best connections to the sights of many of the two largest events in my mothers life as of late. Stuck here at school with no phone, I have to rely on things like this to even have an idea of what their life is like now.
Thank you, this is amazing. email me! ejwillia@purdue.edu
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