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Sunday, August 27, 2006

The trip across the Atlantic to Newfoundland

The MV Leif Erickson is a 500 person ferry.
The ship took us from North Sydney, Nova Scotia to Port aux Basques, Newfoundland
We wait in line to board our car.

Looking back into North Sydney from the top of the Leif Erickson
Saying goodbye to land
We are at sea... I spent the entire 6 hours on the top deck
whale watching and journaling. Watching the ocean for whales
is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. I was
fortunate enough to see three feeding spots and whales jumping
in the distance. I was in a state of euphoria for 6 hours
on the top of that ship. Most of the 300 passengers onboard
spent the time watching tv or listening to the live entertainment in the lounge
Many Newfoundlanders, especially truckdrivers make this trip weekly.
The Canadian flag is a reminder that Newfoundland is a providence of Canada.
My first glimpse of Port aux Basques

The landscape is barren and this point I am
wondering what we are doing here. Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island
in particular, are so striking that this seems like a wasteland. To say this is
beautiful is too simply - it's only after you are slowly introduced to the
mountains and the rugged ocean shores do you truly appreciate this place.

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