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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Nova Scotia - Cape d'Or (Cape of Gold)

We spent most of the day inland in Nova Scotia and drove out to the Bay of Fundy this evening. It's about three hours from Truro and we were told it had a great view. We were not disappointed. The light at this hour of the day created a shimmering copper glow on the cliff and the bay sparkled.

The sun is splitting the rock - (means it is a beautiful day to a Nova Scotian)
Around 5:00 p.m. looking out onto the Bay of Fundy
The lighthouse behind me, I am facing east towards Halifax

The Cape d'Or Lighthouse
Established in 1922
The currents from the Minas Basin and the Bay of Fundy meet here.

It's only about a 2 minute walk down to the lighthouse, with a steep 10 minute walk back up.
I don't have children or animals with me to take pictures thought I would take a picture of tree fungas painting I purchased at a yard sale today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so marvelous to share your travel through your pictures. You gals rock on!