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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2nd Annual White Paper Recycling Golf Tourny

The old saying "Once a salesman, always a salesman" simply isn't true!

I love golfing with boys!
I got a little tired after 11 or 12 holes, but I never get
tired of watching the artistry and strategy of the game.

Some take the game more seriously than others...
This one doesn't take it very seriously...
I learned something new during this game. When a man
tees off, if he doesn't drive it past the women's tee box
he has to pull down his pants.

What happens on the golf course
stays on the golf course... :)

I also learned there is no twirling on the green. It's hard on the grass.

Next time I promise to get a picture of my putter. It's a very old (vintage) putter that was my dads. I think he gave it to me when I worked at the Radisson Arrowwood in the early 80's. By today's standards it looks like a stick with a rock tied on the end - something Fred Flintstone would putt with. I love it!

1 comment:

doubtisgood said...

I don't have much to say about golf, just wanted to let you know how glad I was to trip onto your blog.
Wendy, from two doors down