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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Do you have a man cave?

During a vendor presentation today, the presenter referenced his man cave several times. Not having lived with a man lately, and not, well, being a man - I wasn't exactly sure what a man cave was and if every man has one. The demo we were watching was on a VOIP telephone system that had some very cool features, not the least of which was how you could use a telephone switch to broadcast emergency response messages. Let's say during a hurricane or something a message could be sent out to allow all the residents on the system to press a button that would either let the police know they were a.) okay or b.) needing help. When a question was asked how a resident might use this kind of technology, the 'dude' said he could program a 'send beer' button so that his wife would bring beer to his man cave. I'm pretty sure she wasn't invited to drink one with him, just deliver it and leave. Yeah, okay...he was probably joking around but I thought it was really stupid. Now, I don't think the idea of a man having his own cave is stupid (if that's what he wants) but it seems strange, in mixed company, to female bash by using an example of a programmable button to alert your wife that you need more beer in the man cave. Do you think that's stupid or have I just been single too long?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comments? Well --- Let me get started -- Now see here, in the Man Cave, man is King and being King of the Man Cave, certain protocols must be observered. For example, the fantasy that a button could be pushed & beer served by the spouse, is quite real. The big mistake made here was that this joker actually verbalized such a fantasy outside of the Man Cave.
Every good man within earshot of this fellow knew exactly the grevious nature of the indiscretion the moment it happened. Major back-pedaling away from this guy by the good guys then occured & the 'push-button beer' comment died a cold, lonely death.
Most 'Sensative, Caring, Urban Males' or SCUM now use the more sensative term, 'Man's Crisis Center' for the old Man Cave.
I hope this has helped bring light to this subject to a certain element of the population that struggles so little to understand.
From the wild west, JB