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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shut Up Rush!

I'm pissed. Elizabeth, author, wife, mother...has suffered the loss of a son, is terminal ill with breast cancer, is in anguish over the recent news that her husband cheated on her - and now has to endure the horror of being the butt of another Rush Limbaugh joke. Someone really ought to punch that guy in the mouth! What makes big, fat, stupid Limbaugh think it's funny to spew out ignorant comments about what she could be doing with her mouth (besides talking) to keep her husband from cheating on her? How do you come to terms with the Rush Limbaugh depth of meanness? The sad thing is the so called "ditto heads" are probably cheering him on for his callous remark.

I'm not a conservative, but Rush has to be a huge embarrassment for the 'family values' party. What's next for the pill popping, three time divorced gas bag with teeth? Poking fun at sick babies? Laughing at flood victims? Tripping someone on crutches?

There are certain subjects too shallow to spend any length of time on and blaming the intelligence of a woman for her husband's infidelity is one of them.


Anonymous said...

you go need to find an email address for him and send this to him. Cathy

Anonymous said...

Cheater’s Rap

John Edwards talked about Dad's mill,
While sleeping with a chick off the pill,
He lied and fibbed to the MS press,
And, awoke early to preen and dress.

His wife, Elizabeth, knew the lie in 2006,
But supported John in Iowa while sick,
They stole Hillary's honest votes daily,
And laughed on cue, and hiding Rielle.

Why did John lie like a cheatin' rat ?
No "New Deal" for the average Democrat,
While Obama and Hillary fought on the stump,
John Edwards watched Rielle grow a bump.

Now John's love child is common news,
And Fred Baron has money to lose,
Rielle, now nursing, has jetted away,
Even Geraldo has joined the fray!

John's affair has hurt his poor kids,
More than Clinton's cigars ever did,
A sordid tale that some call a crock,
The only winner, a loser named Barack!

Like dogs in heat, Edwards did pant,
Defined forever, just like Hugh Grant,
Tabloids paid to get the sleaze,
Is it John's baby, mister please?

Vote for John Edwards, give me chills,
Meet you for sex in Beverly Hills,
John, don't need to prove you ain't a gay,
Just pony up to compare your DNA.

See Barack in Hawaii like Bobby Vinton,
Unaware the DNC plans to elect a Clinton,
Edwards may face time from the tax man,
But not if a pardon is part of Obama's plan.

While Elizabeth cries over her brood,
Baby mama with John was not a prude,
Gone the innocent days of Tom Sawyer,
John gettin' love like a real trial lawyer.