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Monday, April 21, 2008

LPoD - T-minus one week and counting

The surgery I am having on May 12th requires a two week liquid diet. So, this is the Monday before the Monday that I actually start. How does one cope with two weeks of broth, soy protein shakes, sugar free popsicles and jello? Stay tuned - I'll let you know. For now I'm having one last meal after another with friends/family and I have to remind them and myself that I will eat again. It's about a month of liquid all told as there is nothing solid for two weeks after the surgery either. I'm going to get very Zen about dealing with this. (I hope.) Saturday I ate milk duds because I stopped to buy a paper and cup of coffee and thought I should have milk duds one last time. I don't remember the last time I had them, but for some reason it seemed important. Monday can't come soon enough.

LPoD = Liquid Pre-op Diet

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