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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Prophecies and Predictions...

It's getting close to the new year when we often reflect on the year just past and make resolutions for the future. I'm not going to do either. I do, however, want to acknowledge just how much I love and appreciate my friends. Nice neighborhood filled with even nicer people. Co-workers that are also friends. Like-minded, civic and community volunteers who, like me, want to better the world in whatever small ways possible. Whether I'm happy and celebrating or suffering due to a hurtful encounter - I have friends I can count on to listen with love and encouragement without judgement.

If there is one thing I would like to focus on today and in 2009 it would be to not waste time worrying about what people think. I will say no. I will be "ME" without apologies. I will not care so much about what people think. It's okay if someone doesn't like me. As simple as that sounds, it's a very difficult truth for me.

The following speaks for itself. :) Don't rationalize or agonize about it. The universal truth simply is that....

Don't waste your time trying to figure out why they are mean. They just are and the minute you find that out you have been given a gift.
What does it matter now if men believe or no?
What is to come will come.
And soon you too will stand aside,
To murmur in pity
that my words were true.
(Cassandra, in Agamemnon by Aeschylus)

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