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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Violence over Benjamin Buttons

I read this weekend on CNN that a shooting took place in a movie theater. It seems someone was talking and for that took a bullet in the arm. At first my sympathies were with the shooter. I know, it's an extreme measure, but come on, people talking in the movie theater does lead to any number of extreme thoughts - most of which are never acted on - thank god. For most of us we might turn our head slightly in the direction of the talker, alerting them that we are on to them and annoyed. If that doesn't work maybe we will turn and make eye contact with the chatterer. I don't know about you, but shhing is a major move. Now, if the movie theater is nearly empty and a senior couple sits down near you and you start to hear "What did she say?" or mutterings along those lines we might decide to pick up and move elsewhere, but usually because we don't want to appear rude or hurt their feelings we will put up with it. It's that damn humanitarian in us. Having said that I think talking in the movie theater deserves to be dealt with severely (how about some bouncers sitting every few rows to deal with it for us?). There have been times in my life that if I had a gun with me....well, maybe, just maybe...No, no, I wouldn't do it. Come to think of it, why did the guy bring the gun into the theater in the first place?

Anyway....the shooter lost my sympathies. The movie where this tragic event took place was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons". This is a slow moving three hour film. Beautiful, artsy, moving story, yes. But yeah, I said 3 hours. 3 hours! By the time this movie ended my popcorn had been gone for 2 hours and 54 minutes. I had applied lipstick, hand lotion, had 4 pieces of gum, took my coat off, put my coat on, checked my cell phone for emergency messages twice (nothing), found a couple of candy cane kisses in the bottom of my purse, ate them slowly, whispered to my sister more times than I can remember and laughed out loud when she said she felt like she was being tortured. I almost wish someone had shot me.

Obviously the shooter was bored and annoyed too and just looking for something to end his own torture. But why take it out on the poor smuck was was suffering right along with him? Shoot at the screen, shoot out the projector. I think the report said the shooter was at the movies alone, on Christmas. Kinda sad. He didn't have anyone to talk to. Can you imagine sitting through a 3 hour movie, alone and with no bag of tricks (a purse) to go through to occupy your time?

Movie makers should take note - keep the movies to 1 hour and 45 minutes, throw in a car chase, a sex scene and a street fight and everyone leaves happy and keeps their guns in the holster.

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