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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The 'other' Laura

My cousin Lisa (one of my favorite people on the planet) and her husband Greg live in Bozeman, MT. Lisa is a professor at Montana State and Greg is a brick layer (wherever he can get the work). They live in the mountains and one of their passions is skiing. I'm hoping to get out to Bozeman in early January and again in March to ski with them. My brother Jay lives out there too and works at the Bozeman Airport. He is an avid skier as well.

So, recently I sent them a picture of myself in my new ski outfit and told them I was heading their way soon. After Greg saw my pictures on the computer he picked up Lisa's cell phone at 7:00 a.m. and dialed "Laura" and left a message saying things like 'hey baby....loved the pics of you on the Internet" and other boy like things that he knows I would love to hear. However, Lisa's hairdressers name is also Laura. The 'other' Laura got the 7am phone call and the voice mail meant for me. Needlessto say Greg was a little embarrassed.

I'm still laughing about it.

Oh, and my legs hurt tonight from skiing today. It was beautiful - 20 degrees, sunny, no wind and not crowded!

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