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Sunday, January 31, 2010

great weekend with the worse moment of my professional career ever...

Friday night I played poker with 7 ladies in Prior Lake. However, these ladies are no ladies at the poker table. They play together weekly and their sweetness melts away as soon as the money changes hands and the chips are passed out. They scare me. Yet - after a three hour run of Texas Hold em I was the last woman standing. I took first place and Kay took 2nd! We brought a little Prior Lake money back to Red Wing. It was fantastic.

During the last hour  or so I was making noises about being a single woman who couldn't afford to heat my house and that I had to eat crackers and cheese for dinner and heat my bed with a heating pad because I sleep alone and it's freezing. Bla, bla, bla. They didn't care. They tried to steal the sweater off my back. But I prevailed! My biggest mistakes was waving the 80 bucks around after I won and bragging about how it was just enough to pay for my facial the next day. oops.

Saturday morning I headed to Cannon Falls to drive my friend Linda to her hair appointment in Northfield. She is still recovering from brain surgery and gets tired easily and is having massive headaches. She got her hair done, I got my facial (fabulous!) and then we had lunch at Froggy Bottoms - much better in the summer because of the balcony over looking the river, but great food and a fun atmosphere inside too.  I had some sort of mandarin orange, chicken and pecan salad that had a gorgeous dressing.  

Then - after dropping Linda off at home for her nap, I received the worse news of my professional career (can't go in to it here) and decided my only option was a little retail therapy at the MOA.  grrrrr  But, I felt better after walking the mall and spending a little cash.  My options were limited in my need for therapy as my level off pissed offness was off the charts.  Retail therapy was the safe bet. Tomorrow we'll do what is becoming more and more normal - damage control.

The Grammy's tonight - just watched Elton John perform with Lady Gaga....interesting.  I'm hoping Dave Matthews wins for best album, but either way I'll get to see the band perform.

Monday tomorrow....ready or not.

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