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Monday, January 25, 2010

Thank god for Mondays

A week ago I posted my resolve to open mail every day, throw away the junk, read the magazines and send a check immediately to anyone requesting money.  As I said, most of my bills are paid online so that stuff that comes through the slot on my porch use to have about a 90% chance of being ignored.

After having a really tough Saturday (annual workshop at the office), the last thing I wanted to do in the few hours before our banquet was look at mail.  But...look I did.   Every day I've averaged 2 to 3 pieces of mail, most of which ended in the recycle bin.  Today - there is nothing, nada, not one thing to look at.  I'm actually a little disappointed.  So, one week in and all is well in the mail department.

This weekend I spent about five hours at a workshop,  played in my first euchre tournament, attended our annual employee appreciation banquet, went out dancing for a few hours and had dinner and watched the Vikings/Saints football game at a friends house.  Best weekend of the year, but I'm tired now and just want to sit.  The dog has been ignored and it's too icy to get much of a walk in.  I'm ready for Spring, but really hate wishing away time -  especially over weather.

Today I hosted a going away party for one of my employees.  He's a audio/visual tech and has decided to follow his passion, jump off the safe job cliff and start his own video business. He's talented, young, interesting and a hoot to be around.  We are really going to miss him.

Did I mention that I watched football this week.  Yeah, I know.  The whole game.  Overtime too.  It was fantastic.  I know, I know.  Seriously - it was fun.  The key - watching with cool, fun people and drinking lots of beer.  Sadly the outcome of the game wasn't what we hoped for.

I also let go of the bumper of a moving car. (life analogy ahead).  The car was locked, the car was moving and I was hanging on to the bumper.  Heard this on a t.v. show.  I hoped the driver would stop the car, get out and help me in, or at the very least slow down and unlock the door.  The car kept moving, the door stayed lock and eventually I had to let go of the bumper as it was starting to get painful bouncing along like that.  No more bumpers for me.

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